By supporting the project “Macedonia without Waste – Food Surplus Redistribution Network”, Vitaminka will donate surplus food.
According the cooperation memorandum signed between Vitaminka and the project’s owner, the Clean Environment Association “Ajde Makedonija”, the whole surplus products of the company that are safe for consumption will be distributed to the associations that will continue to supply food to people who need help. The donated food includes quality and safe products with retained nutritional values according to the current food safety regulations of the Republic of Macedonia.
The goal of this step and the memorandum is to enable a successful implementation of the surplus food donation system with mutual cooperation, understanding and assistance. Vitaminka will supply the food according to the standards and the transport regulations. In order to have a better and more effective implementation of the planned activities, “Ajde Makedonija“ has designed and maintains a web platform that connects Vitaminka with the civil society organizations that will continue to distribute the food to their recipients.
The project introduces a system of modern and efficient procedure in order to link the surplus food donors with the companies, manufacturers and civil society organizations that provide food for their recipients. This chain of cooperation, obligations and communication decreases food loss in the country and enables rational food redistribution. This system had positive results worldwide and it inspires many companies to join the initiative.